Only one in a 1,000 people can fully see this optical illusion

Only one person out of a thousand can see all the numbers in this optical illusion.

 Moving the image dissociates circle and background (photo credit: Nevit Dilmen)
Moving the image dissociates circle and background
(photo credit: Nevit Dilmen)

This might be one of the hardest optical illusions to decipher, with The New York Post claiming that only 0.1% of people can solve it.

In the optical illusion turned viral on TikTok, a dancing monkey appears behind several shapes of numbers. Initially, four different numbers can be seen, however, on closer inspection, several other numbers appear. 

See for yourself if you can find all ten numbers. 

Optical Illusion: What can you see?

The optical illusion only becomes harder as the background contains a dancing ape which disrupts the viewing. 

The video, which went viral on social media, drew some frustrated reactions from people, with some claiming to see only some of the numbers, with the numbers 5 and 9 being the most difficult to spot. 

How many numbers do you see?