Only 2% of people can find where the key is hiding in this picture

A key is hiding among the many items in this musty room filled with furniture. Will you be able to find it in just 12 seconds?

 Will you be able to find the missing key hidden in the room? (photo credit: Jargan Josh via Maariv)
Will you be able to find the missing key hidden in the room?
(photo credit: Jargan Josh via Maariv)

There is a missing key hiding in this picture of a musty room filled with furniture. 

Can you find it in just 12 seconds?

The answer is at the bottom of this article.

Need a hint?

Don't worry, that's what we're here for. Here's the hint: The key isn't near the washing machine

 Will you be able to find the missing key hidden in the room? (credit: Jargan Josh via Maariv)
Will you be able to find the missing key hidden in the room? (credit: Jargan Josh via Maariv)

Now keep looking.

Did you find the missing key hiding in the picture? If so, well done.

Are you still struggling to find it? The answer is in the picture below.

 The missing key (credit: Jargan Josh via Maariv)
The missing key (credit: Jargan Josh via Maariv)