Florida like so many other places around the world is experiencing more water damage to property. One of the major culprits behind the increased incidents of water damage in Florida is climate change.
Leading Florida-based home recovery specialists Rapid Restoration Recovery INC say they are helping homeowners and businesses recover properties on a more frequent basis than before. Heavy rainstorms and violent weather systems such as hurricanes and tornadoes are top reasons for emergency call-outs.
Climate Impact On Water Damage
What is the impact of climate change? One of the major impacts of climate change is the increased risk of flooding. As heavy rainstorms and sea level rises become more frequent, we are likely to experience more flooding warns Rapid Restoration and Recovery Inc. The company's management team is keen to point out that even a small amount of water damage can cause serious damage.
Is the Water Entering Your Home Clean?
One of the principles concerns of residential flooding is what the water brings into your home. Most of us presume flood water is clean and does not pose a risk to our health.
Not only can property flooding lead to slips, falls, and more serious personal harm such as drowning, but flood waters also carry biohazards.
The force of flood waters means they do damage along the way. For instance, they often damage major utilities including sewage plants. This means dirty water and sewage are carried into your home or business premises.
The effects of unclean water are devastating. Unless your home or commercial property is cleaned professionally, you risk illness and disease. Many homeowners think they can clean after a flooding event themselves. This is not true. Not only do you need to deodorize your home, but you also need to “dry it” out professionally.
If your home or business is not dried out, you risk ongoing problems including mold spores and rot taking hold. The problem is that one may lead to the other. According to Rapid Restoration and Recovery Inc, the importance of drying out your home should never be overlooked.
Flooding Facts
Flooding is the most common and deadliest natural emergency in the United States. Serious floods have brought flooding to almost all American states. But, the problem is more serious in states such as Florida.
The geography of Florida does not only make it more prone to rising sea levels. Serious storms including hurricanes affect the state. During the past few years, records show hurricanes and severe rainstorms are becoming more extreme.
Not only are storms and hurricanes increasing in intensity. They are harder to predict. Even storms that look more “innocent” can turn into violent events.
Coastal Flooding in Florida
It is estimated that at least 8.6 million Americans live in areas at risk from coastal flooding. Violent storms including hurricanes push walls of water in front of them as they travel across the ocean. Eventually, these walls of water hit land and cause flooding.
In Florida, there is also an increased risk of high tide floods. At the moment, they are not having a huge impact. But, in the future, due to rising sea levels, tide floods may have a more serious impact on our lives.
Flash Floods and Urban Flooding
Other forms of flooding the team at Rapid Restoration and Recovery Inc faces are flash floods and urban floods.
Flash floods are often caused by local events including a river bursting its banks. When this happens in a densely populated area, things can get serious very quickly. If you suspect a nearby river is about to burst its banks, call 911 and then get out.
What is urban flooding? Urban flooding happens when a major water utility infrastructure fails. It can be anything from a burst water pipe to a sudden leak of sewage from a failed main.
Urban flooding also takes place when run-off rainwater is channelled from roads, buildings, and parking lots.
As the climate continues to heat up, we are likely to experience more of these events.
Experts believe flooding may increase as much as 50 per cent in the years to come. Although heavy rainfall does not always lead to flooding, it increases the risk of flooding.
Dangerous Associated with Flooding
The main risk associated with flooding is the loss of human life. Other risks include illness and disease which we are already seeing in many parts of the world.
A little-known risk of flooding is fire. As water enters a home, it wreaks havoc not only with drainage but also with electrical wiring.
We all know that water and electricity are not the best of friends. Water causes short circuits and overheating of electricity utilities. In a worst-case scenario, it leads to fires.
If you suspect your home or business is at risk from an electrical fire, it is best to evacuate the property and find safety. Call the emergency services and the utility company. Both need to know you are experiencing a flooding event in your local area.
What To Do After a Flood?
What you do after a flood in your home or business is as important as what you do during the actual event. Needless to say, having insurance for property and other possessions is essential. Cleaning up after flooding is not cheap. This is not a bill that you want to pay out of your own pocket.
One of the first things Rapid Restoration and Recovery Inc does when they visit a flooded home is to make sure all the water has been safely removed.
After that, it is important to make sure the home or other property is safe and secure. It is only then the cleanup operation starts.
Don't try to do this by yourself. Flood waters often contain mud which can be packed with contaminants and biohazards. Unless you have specialist equipment and cleaning agents, you can't make your home safe and hygienically clean again.
Final Thoughts
Climate change is increasing the risk of flooding. Yes, there are other more mundane reasons for flooding. But all flooding events risk damaging and making your home less safe to live in. It is always best to ask for professional help and assistance.
This article was written in cooperation with Tsour Lee Adato