jewish life

What does Jewish ethics say about naming buildings after donors?

Even where a donor’s intentions are selfish, if the donation itself has a positive effect on the community or even the world at large, then who are we to criticize!?

Post-October 7, teachers gather to secure the future of Jewish education

Between Monday and Wednesday the Yael Foundation hosted a conference to gather Jewish educators and community leaders to discuss ideas for improving Jewish education.

'Adopt a Hostage' participant celebrates as adopted hostage returned home

We are feeling so excited. We cannot imagine what his family must be feeling,” the adopter of Fernando Marman said about his release.

The Yale University campus

Phone call highlights Yale University's hypocrisy of cultural appropriation

Mako reporter calls Yale University's president's office to call out its use of Hebrew in its logo as appropriation of Jewish culture.

Koshashvili looks at a Georgian family in Israel - review

The movie was also notable for the fact that it didn’t go for some kind of cheap, love-conquers-all conclusion.

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