
The Labor Party needs to return to its Jewish roots - opinion

We must be capable of condemning those among us who show disrespect for the memory of the Holocaust no matter their political association. We must do so without fear and without hesitation.


Labor 'finished its role' in Israeli politics, Michaeli must resign - Omer Bar Lev

"It began when the party decided to lower its security flag to half-mast," the former IDF Sayeret Matkal commander lamented.

Herzog meets Netanyahu, Lapid, Gantz in compromise efforts

Likud rejects Histadrut compromise proposal on reasonableness bill; Gantz to Netanyahu – compromise bill will survive next Knesset.

Israel Medical Association warns legislation would ‘devastate’ the healthcare system

Thousands of hospital and clinic donors will hold a two-hour warning strike on Wednesday morning in protest against the threatened passage of “Reasonableness Clause.”

How a minor Israeli court case changed how vacation days are viewed

Israel’s economy and workplace of 1951 have been replaced by the start-up nation’s economy and welfare-equality workplace. This is how the Labor Court helped vacation days catch up.


8 out of 10 working women risk losing their jobs to artificial intelligence

A study reveals that 8 out of 10 working women face higher job loss risks due to the rise of artificial intelligence compared to 6 out of 10 men.


Israeli opposition MK bashes Rothman's 'chutzpah' over judicial reform bill

Likud MK Moshe Saada said that reasonableness is a complex issue, but decried those that engaged in rioting.

Labor MK announces intention to unseat Merav Michaeli as faction leader

Rayten: "I think [Michaeli] is being treated wrongly. Obviously, if you look in retrospect, a merger with Meretz could change the entire picture."

Israeli judicial reform talks at crucial point, Revital Swid says

If the coalition chooses to occupy both spots on the committee with coalition Knesset members, the talks will likely end, judicial reform negotiation mediator Revital Swid said.

Labor, city leaders petition Israel's High Court against Arnona Fund

The petition pointed to flaws in how the Fund was approved and the negative effects it may have on Israeli society.

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