right wing

Royce White, right-wing podcaster, wins Minnesota GOP’s Senate endorsement

The podcaster, who has criticized ‘the Jewish elite,’ won the vote by more than two-thirds of the delegate.


What stands in the way of Israel's national unity?

The question is whether we can somehow remain united despite our real differences in positions on many pertinent issues.

Dutch nationalist Wilders on verge of forming right-wing government

Wilders, who has influenced Dutch immigration policy from the opposition benches since 2006 and is known for his outspoken views on Islam, was expected to announce a four-party coalition.


Editor’s Notes: It’s time for a right-wing vision for Israel

it is about time for these brilliant people in think tanks to offer realistic and pragmatic suggestions for how Israel should navigate this turbulence, win this war, and rebuild our country.


Israel's Left needs to unify like their right-wing counterparts

Ultimately, however, if there is anything to be taken away from the municipal elections this week, it is that the Left needs to learn the strategy of unity if they wish to succeed.

Ben Shapiro raps about his ‘yarmulke, homie’ in new right-wing song that tops iTunes charts

The song, most of which is performed my MacDonald, mentions a litany of culture war talking points, including guns, pronouns, defunding the police and “woke Karens.”


'JPost' election poll: New party of IDF reservists shakes up Israeli politics

According to the poll, a reservists’ party headed by Diaspora Affairs and Combating Antisemitism Minister Amichai Chikli (Likud) would win eight seats.

Israel’s appearance at the ICJ - opinion

Those who oppose Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s all-right government enjoyed several hours of satisfaction last week.

Israel is changing: Here are the key tribes and trends involved - opinion

The authentic growth of Israeli Judaism, emerging naturally and accepted broadly, will be the defining journey of the next generation. 


'I sinned': Former minister apologizes for dividing Israeli society

"I created strife and division and tension, and this tension led to a weakening, and this weakening, in many ways, led to the massacre."

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