
Scientist names 16 new spiders, including 'Rainbow Spider,' after pop idol Jay Chou

The Excuse spider, named after a track from Jay Chou's 2004 album, shares its title with China's best-selling album this century.

Chlamydia-related bacteria had infected brown widow spiders around the world - BGU

The study concluded that "spiders from Israel were more likely to carry Rhabdochlamydia than those from the US and South Africa."

Electric blue species of Tarantula found among Thailand's mangrove trees

The blue coloration on the spider's back and legs is exceptionally unique, the color blue otherwise being almost unseen in nature.

Camel spiders' hidden evolutionary tree uncovered by Israeli researchers

They aren’t spiders and don’t bug dromedaries, but a scorpion that existed before the disappearance of dinosaurs.

Venomous 'banana spider' scare temporarily closes Austrian supermarket

The REWE-Group also stated that they had brought in a specialist to identify the spider and that the shop would remain closed until the spider had been identified.

This wasp can paralyze its victims for 8 months - TikTok biologist

Biologist Andrew Legan collected a tarantula that had been paralyzed by a hawk wasp to study the effects of the wasp’s venom on the arachnid.

Less parasitism and predation: Why brown widow spiders thrive in the city

The research team compared egg sac parasitism in the urban invasive brown widow spider to the desert white widow spider, the latter of which is native to Israel.

Black widow spiders declining because brown widows hunt them down - study

The study sheds light on a web of confusion regarding the decline of one of the most infamous types of spiders – and what could be causing it.


Look it up on the web: Seven new spider species found in Israel - study

The findings of this study contribute to understanding Israel’s evolutionary, biogeographic and climatic processes

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