united hatzalah

Attacked by a Hamas terrorist, a Bedouin physician was saved by a United Hatzalah ceramic vest

Three or four of the terrorists beat him and boasted: “Now we have a captive to protect us from the Israelis bombing from the sky.”

United Hatzalah head recounts efforts to save the wounded, and bipartisan US support for Israel

United Hatzalah volunteers entered kibbutzim, villages, and towns, putting their lives on the line to save innocent civilians

United Hatzalah to present testimonies of Hamas attack to Biden, Trump and Republican leaders

Eli Beer, the founder of United Hatzalah, will be addressing Senators, Congress members, Republican nominees for President, and the Republican Party leadership.

United Hatzalah needs urgent donations to support Israelis' suffering during war

The organization has already raised a little over half their goal of $10 million USD

Hackers hit United Hatzalah, aid group treating wounded Israelis

United Hatzalah said its website was struck by distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks that temporarily slowed its ability to receive donations.


Grapevine: Heartwarming volunteering

Movers and shakers in Israeli society.

United Hatzalah needs urgent supplies


United Hatzalah assisting thousands, equipment donations needed

United Hatzalah has 1,500 of its nearly 7,000 members operating in the Gaza periphery and treated over 1,000 people - civilians and soldiers - so far.

United Hatzalah donation website targeted by cyberattack

A number of Israeli sites have been targeted by cyberattacks since the war between Hamas and Israel began.

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