Biden's transition team considers Clinton for UN ambassador - report

Clinton is reportedly being considered because she could potentially raise the standing of the US in the world following President Donald Trump's term.

(photo credit: REUTERS)
Former secretary of state Hillary Clinton is being considered as a possible pick for ambassador to the UN by President-elect Joe Biden's transition team, American media reported Friday, citing a Washington Post source.
Clinton is reportedly being considered because she could potentially raise the standing of the US in the world following President Donald Trump's time in office.
Reports of the potential nomination coincide with Biden's attempt to change foreign perceptions of the US. "I'm letting them know that America is back. We're going to be back in the game," said Biden
Clinton, who is also a former senator from New York and wife of past president Bill Clinton, lost the 2016 presidential race against Trump in an election that is still the source of anger and consternation among many liberals who expected to elect the first female president but also wrestled with whether they chose the right candidate.
Reuters contributed to this report.