Gaddafi calls on Palestinians to rise against Israel

Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi on Sunday called on Palestinians to peacefully mass along Israel's borders until their demands are met, following the uprisings in Egypt, Reuters reported.
"Fleets of boats should take Palestinians...and wait by the Palestinian shores until the problem is resolved," Gaddafi said on state television. "This is a time of popular revolutions."
"We need to create a problem for the world. This is not a declaration of war. This is a call for peace," he said.
Gaddafi also called on Muslim countries to ally against Western countries. He said the world was divided into green and white, representing the Muslim world and the US and its allies respectively.
"The white color has decided to get rid of the green color," he said. "These countries should be united against the white color because all of these white countries are the enemies of Islam."
"All Arab states which have relations with Israel are cowardly regimes," he added.