German Jewish leader: Rescind prize to 'Israel hater'

BERLIN - Secretary General of Germany’s Jewish community Stephen J. Kramer demanded on Sunday that the city of Frankfurt not honor US Professor Dr. Judith Butler with the Adorno prize because of her support for a comprehensive cultural and academic boycott of the Jewish state.
Kramer told the Jerusalem Post: "It is a systemic failure. Only a curatorium that lacks the moral firmness necessary for its task could separate Butler's contribution to philosophy from her moral depravity. A person who allies herself with deadly enemies of the Jewish state, considers Hezbollah and Hamas legitimate social movements and part of the global left, and would strangle Israel with a boycott does not deserve this honor."
Dr. Judith Butler, a professor in comparative literature at the University of California, Berkeley who has embraced  boycott, sanctions, divestment (BDS) groups targeting Israel, is slated to receive the Adorno prize on September 11.
In an email to the Post, Butler flatly rejected endorsing Hamas and Hezbollah. When asked specifically by the Post about her position toward the two anti-Israel terror groups, she declined to comment.