Livni: Security being used as an excuse not to pursue peace

Justice Minister Tzipi Livni laid out her case for resuming negotiations with the Palestinians on Tuesday, claiming that some in Israel were using security as an excuse not to engage in a peace process.
"In the Middle East, the choice is between bad options, but doing nothing is more damaging," Livni stated at an Israel Project conference.
Livni attempted to debunk the argument that concessions for peace would harm Israel's security, saying that engaging in talks would give Israel the legitimacy to take the necessary actions to defend itself. She said, in addition, that "the US can provide assurances that the two-state solution won't harm security."
The Justice Minister said Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu fully supports her efforts to relaunch peace talks based on a two-state solution and Bayit Yehudi leader Naftali Bennett, who has spoken out recently about the dangers of concessions to Israel's security ,"has said he can live with talks."