Rabbi Lior: Schalit deal endangers, humiliates Israel

Kiryat Arba's chief Rabbi Dov Lior warned on Sunday warned that the prisoner-exchange deal between Hamas and Israel to release Gilad Schalit was liable to cause danger and humiliation to the Jewish state.
The Kiryat Arba rabbi wrote in a statement that "There is no doubt that giving into blackmail by terrorist can endanger our brothers and citizens in the future as it happened in the past when terrorists were released and returned to their old ways..."
Lior warned against endangering the nation for the sake of one, adding suspicions that Hamas or another extremest group would attempt to derail the whole process, sabotaging the exchange in order to humiliate Israel.
"This doesn't mean that we should not make every effort to for the sake of [Schalit's] freedom," Lior said, suggesting "holding [Palestinian] prisoners in hotel condition and preventing them from aiding the Hamas government in Gaza during their detentions."