Rosa Parks' spirit conjured in J'lem rally against gender-segregated buses

A mock bus ticket restricting its female holders to the back of the bus was handed out by demonstrators in front of the Ministry of Transportation on Tuesday, in a small rally attended by both religious and non-religious people, as well as Meretz MK Nitzan Horowitz, protesting the separate seating policy forcing women to sit at the back of predominantly haredi buses. Rachel Azaria, a Jerusalem City councilwoman, said that the image of women being sent to the back of the bus resonates strongly with those familiar with American history. "If Rosa Parks were alive today, she would push the haredi woman to dare to sit up front," said Azaria. "The women don't want to sit in the back; they have no other choice but to do so." A committee whose founding was ordered by the Supreme Court will decide on the legality of the 40 separate seating bus lines nationwide. The committee was assembled almost two years ago and will submit the results of its findings as a suggestion to the Ministry of Transportation.