ZOA fuming over release of man who threatened Joe Lieberman

The Zionist Organization of America on Thursday expressed outrage over the release of a Philadelphia man who called for the murder of Connecticut Senator Joseph Lieberman.
Police arrested Dimitry Dyatlov on August 4th for posting an entry titled “Rammstein Concerts: Better than killing Jews" on his blog in which he wrote “there is, at least, one Jew, who we absolutely must shoot in the face (many times), ASAP: Joe Lieberman.”
The Uzbek-born US citizen was released on bail last Tuesday and electronic surveillance equipment was installed on his computer.
“The ZOA is appalled at the dearth of media coverage of this event,” said ZOA National President Morton A. Klein. “Why the virtual silence by the media? Are investigative journalists researching the background of Dmitry Dyatlov? One would have thought that the arrest of someone openly calling for the assassination of a senior elected official and former vice-presidential candidate would attract reportage from the national press, but it has not. This is even more remarkable in view of the attempt in January by Jared Lee Loughner to murder Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) and his murder of six and wounding of 13 other people at the scene.”