
Biden extends invitation to Netanyahu: Restoring normalcy to US-Israel relations - editorial

Part of Biden’s decision to reach out to Netanyahu was likely based on the understanding that working with the prime minister would yield better results than ignoring him.

Herzog speech boycotted: Left-wing politicians snub J Street again - opinion

No matter how hard J Street tries, no matter how many times J Street defends or praises Bowman, Omar, or Ocasio-Cortez, their wing of the Democratic Party simply hates Israel.


Ilhan Omar: 'No way in hell' attending Herzog speech to Congress

Omar also slammed the Israeli government for promoting judicial reform.

US ambassador slammed for ‘misguided’ equivalence between terrorists and victims

Israeli Ambassador to the US Mike Herzog tweeted that “any attempt of a so called ‘balanced’ condemnation is misguided and disrespectful to the memory of the victims.”

Ukrainian First Lady Olena Zelenska to visit Israel next week

Herzog, the wife of President Isaac Herzog, met Zelenska at the coronation of England's King Charles III earlier this year.

President Herzog warns of 'great existential threat' to Jewish people from within

Herzog said that "we are gradually losing points of contact with one another, losing our connection to the binding story that keeps us whole as one nation."


President Isaac Herzog congratulates Turkey's Erdogan on election victory

Israel's president turned to social media to extend warm congratulatory remarks to Turkey's re-elected leader.

Can Israel be unified sometime soon? - opinion

Competing visions of Israel’s essence and identity are at play.

Israelis need their leaders to prioritize governing - editorial

The coalition and the opposition should be meeting round the clock until they emerge with a compromise that offers a solution to the judicial quagmire.

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