Sinai terrorists linked with ISIS decapitate 10 alleged Israeli and Egyptian spies
The terrorists beheaded the alleged spies, then dumped the bodies on a road in the northern Sinai.
By JPOST.COM STAFFSinai terrorist who decapitated alleged Israeli spy(photo credit: screenshot)
An Islamic-State-linked group beheaded 10 men accused of spying for Israel and Egypt in a gruesome video posted online, Egyptian media reported Tuesday.The video shows terrorists from Welayat Sinai [Supporters of Sinai], which was formerly known as Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis, decapitate the men, then dump their bodies on a road in northern Sinai.Before the beheading, the accused were also made to confess on camera that they were collaborators with the Israeli Mossad and the Egyptian military.The group said that the killing was a response to the Egyptian army's destruction of homes in the northern Sinai.On January 4, the Egyptian army began the evacuation and destruction of at least 1,200 homes along its border with the Gaza Strip. It is part of a plan in order to expand the existing security buffer zone from 500 meters to one kilometer, as a result of subterranean tunnels that were discovered in the area being used to smuggle arms from Gaza to terrorists in Sinai.Ariel Ben Solomon and Reuters contributed to this report.