'Grunis Bill' passes final reading 55 to 37

The minimum tenure for a Supreme Court President was been lowered from three to two years, after the “Grunis Bill” passed in its final reading 55 to 37 votes in the Knesset plenum Monday night.
The initiative is known as the “Grunis Bill,” because it would allow Supreme Court Justice Asher Dan Grunis, an opponent of judicial activism, to replace Supreme Court President Dorit Beinisch when she retires at age 70 in February. Politicians on the right believe that Grunis’s views on the judiciary make him less likely to order the dismantling of West Bank homes and to go against other decisions made by state authorities. Therefore, MK Ya’acov Katz (National Union), who proposed the bill, has been accused of proposing a “personal bill.”
Opposition leader Tzipi Livni (Kadima) slammed the bill, saying it that its personal nature disrespects the Knesset and Israeli democracy.
“Some things disgust anyone who has a spine and a legal, moral compass,” she stated.