J’lem street-naming honor rescinded at last minute by mayor

Shortly before ratifying an official street naming in Jerusalem after the late Prof. Yeshayahu Liebowitz, Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat said he was temporarily rescinding the honor due to protestation by various Right-wing political parties over Liebowitz’s political leanings.
Moments before approving the honor for Liebowitz on Thursday, Barkat said members of Likud, Shas, United Torah Judaism and Shas overwhelming disapproved of the initiative due to Leibowitz’s outspoken Leftist ideology.
Liebowitz, a Jerusalem resident and noted intellectual, was known for advocating for separation of religion and state, insisting that Israel relinquish territory captured in the 1967 war and cease construction in occupied territories.
According to sources, Barkat intends to put the measure to a vote again later in the month.  If passed, the city will name a street in the Givat Ram neighborhood after Leibowitz.