Knesset health lobby to discuss doctors as sanctions go on

The Knesset’s health lobby hold an "emergency session" on Tuesday to discuss the ongoing doctors’ labor dispute, which was declared 135 days ago. Despite demands by the doctors that he intervene, Prime Minister and formally Health Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has so far declined to do so.
Israel Medical Association chairman Dr. Leonid Eidelman, who said eight days ago that he would not eat until Netanyahu intervenes and brings a solution to end the strike, continues his hunger strike.
The health lobby, headed by Kadima MK and physician Rachel Adatto, said it will hold an open meeting with participation of MKs from all parties -- opposition and coalition -- before the Knesset goes on vacation.
Meanwhile, doctors’ sanctions will continue on Tuesday, with hospital outpatient clinics, diagnostic institutes and day hospitals closed but surgical theaters working normally. On Wednesday, only emergency and oncological surgery will be carried out, and outpatient and inpatient facilities will work normally. On Thursday, outpatient facilities will close but operating rooms and inpatient services will be normal.