Man charged with attempted murder after Nahariya stabbing

The Haifa District Attorney filed an indictment in the Haifa District Court on Thursday, charging a 46-year-old Arab Israeli man with the attempted murder of a 65-year-old woman earlier this month.
According to the indictment, Anwar Masalaha from Abu Snan in the Galilee traveled to Nahariya in the morning of March 11th, where he bought a penknife.
Shortly afterward, Masalaha spotted 65-year-old Esther Porat on Weisman street, and decided to kill her, the indictment said.
Masalaha approached Porat, and stabbed her 13 times in her chest, abdomen and back, stopping the attack only when passersby shouted at him, threw a chair at him and then aimed a gun at him, the indictment continues.
As a result of the attack, Porat was rushed to hospital in a severe condition, and underwent surgery.
At the time the indictment was filed, Porat remains in hospital.
Masalaha is also charged with illegal possession of a knife. The district attorney filed a request that Masalaha be remanded in custody throughout the legal proceedings against him.