National Student Council launches new students’ rights campaign

The National Student Council launched a new campaign on Sunday to raise awareness for students' rights.
The campaign, entitled "Excuse me, with what right?" aims to help implement the rights of students in the education system and address incidents where rights have been violated.
As part of the campaign, the Student Council launched a dedicated website where students can receive information about their rights as well as file complaints. In addition, the council launched a telephone hotline, email address and WhatsApp group where students can also file complaints and ask questions.
Among the rights entitled to students, as decreed by the Student Rights Law, the prohibition of discrimination by any education institution based on religion, ethnicity, socioeconomic standing, sexual preferences, political ideologies, or gender. In addition, the students' rights law addresses rights with regards to examinations, school safety, matriculation exams, learning disabilities, size of classes, annual class trips and freedom of expression among others.