Right slams Deri's call for deal with Palestinians

Knesset members in right-wing parties condemned one of Shas's leaders, Arye Deri, on Sunday for coming out in support of a long-term interim agreement with the Palestinian Authority.
Deri told The Jerusalem Post in an interview Thursday that Shas mentor Rabbi Ovadia Yosef favors pursuing long-term interim agreements as long as they do not endanger Israelis. He said the advantage of long-term interim agreements was that they could be stopped and changed if they do not work.
The MKs noted Shas's abstention on the Oslo Accord in 1993 under Deri's leadership. They warned that now that he is in the party's leadership triumvirate he would shift Shas Leftward.
"It must be clear to everyone that in the Shas leadership there are voices pushing the party to the Leftist bloc," said Likud MK Danny Dannon. "That is why nationalist camp voters must strengthen Likud-Beytenu and not vote for satellite parties."