Sheikh Raed Salah: IDF soldiers tried to kill me

Sheikh Raed Salah on Thursday accused Navy commandos of trying to kill him in the course of the takeover of the Gaza-bound flotilla ship Mavi Marmara on Monday.
“IDF soldiers tried to kill me. They shot towards someone else they thought was me,” the head of the Islamic Movement in Israel (northern branch) said before a court hearing to end his arrest.
“The kidnapping is an absolute crime,” Salah went on to say, “we have a right to defend ourselves, we have a right to help the weak.”
Three others were up for release in the court proceedings, Muhammed Zeidan, Chairman of the High Follow-up Committee for Arab Citizens of Israel, Sheikh Hamad Abu Daabes, head of the Islamic Movement in Israel (southern branch), and Lubna Masarwa.