Carrots and celery may negate some damage from smoking - study

Eating these vegetables every day may help counteract some of the health problems caused by smoking

 Certain vegetables, including carrots and celery, may work to counteract the damage caused by smoking (photo credit: RAWPIXEL)
Certain vegetables, including carrots and celery, may work to counteract the damage caused by smoking
(photo credit: RAWPIXEL)

If you smoke or live in a sooty place like New Delhi, a new study has found which vegetables you should add to your shopping list.

Scientists at the University of Delaware report that eating vegetables like celery, carrots, and parsley can help reduce the negative health effects of air pollution, a global health problem responsible for millions of deaths each year. This research is also connected to the harm done by smoking.

The research team examined how these specific vegetables protects the body from the accumulation of acrolein, which causes irritation to the lungs and skin, with a strong unpleasant odor which is toxic to various tissues. Acrolein is present in large quantities in both cigarette smoke and gas emissions from cars.

In a series of lab tests done on mice, researchers analyzed how effectively these vegetables, rich in phytonutrients, reduce the toxicity caused by acrolein. The findings show how oxidative pressure, exerted by acrolein, can indeed be reduced by vegetables.

Research published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry reported that these vegetables enable detoxification by increasing the activity of the antioxidant enzyme,” says Dr. Gillian Trabulsi. "The results suggest that these vegetables may provide protection against damage and inflammation caused by acrolein because in the liver the vegetables improve the conversion of acrolein to water-soluble acid which the body excretes."

Illustration of cigarettes in an ashtray. (credit: NATI SHOHAT/FLASH90)
Illustration of cigarettes in an ashtray. (credit: NATI SHOHAT/FLASH90)

Scientists added that when calculated it was determined that people should eat between1 and 1/3 cups per day, which is an easy amount for people to eat throughout the day.

Despite these results, it should be emphasized that research was only done on mice, and that smoking is vile, damages your health and a few good vegetables won’t reverse the damage. In conclusion, stop smoking immediately.