Netanyahu has 'gone off the rails,' taking country down, says former IDF official

"We are in a war that has no purpose," warned former IDF official Itzhak Brik.

 A WEARY Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.  (photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM/THE JERUSALEM POST)
A WEARY Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

IDF Maj.-Gen. (res.) Itzhak Brik criticized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the heads of the defense establishment on Sunday, telling 104.5FM that "if Bibi [a nickname for Netanyahu], [Defense Minister Yoav] Gallant, [IDF Chief of Staff] Herzi Halevi, and their outgrowths remain in power - the State of Israel will deteriorate to its end. They will take us down to Sheol (the underworld) in grief.”

"There has been a collapse of the economy, global boycotts that are now beginning at an accelerated pace, a collapse of society, a collapse of the army, and a collapse of all international relations. We are in a war that has no purpose; we cannot defeat Hamas, and they are running to prepare themselves for the great war," added Brik.

The retired major general referred to the IDF's progress in Gaza, saying, "We entered Gaza and occupied 80% of the territory, now we are inside Rafah, but today we have no forces, and they don't always have replacements when they go out for a break. At this time, the 'Hamasniks' are returning from the tunnels to the places the IDF left. Our soldiers are being killed for no purpose. This whole process blows us up in front of the world."

Brik has met with Netanyahu six times since October 7. Referring to the meetings, Brik said, "In the meetings before the maneuver, I was able to stop conduct that would have brought a lot of casualties to the IDF. I received reports saying that the soldiers entering are untrained, have no equipment, and need at least two weeks to organize and enter properly."

Former IDF Ombudsman Maj.-Gen. (res.) Itzhak Brik at the annual Jerusalem Conference of the 'Besheva' group in Jerusalem. February 26, 2024. (credit: YONATAN SINDEL/FLASH90)
Former IDF Ombudsman Maj.-Gen. (res.) Itzhak Brik at the annual Jerusalem Conference of the 'Besheva' group in Jerusalem. February 26, 2024. (credit: YONATAN SINDEL/FLASH90)

According to him, Netanyahu "stopped the move during the conversation with me. I also suggested to him not to go for an attack on Hezbollah. We were not ready, we would have received an all-out regional war, they would have destroyed our country. So he stopped that, too."

However, Brik said that Netanyahu's behavior has changed recently. "I understand that the man has gone off the rails. I explained to him what is going to happen, including what will happen if the IDF enters Rafah, including that you don't have forces forever because if you go in and out. You don't stabilize the forces inside for quite some time, it is impossible to establish someone to replace the 'Hamasniks' as the governor of the Gaza region."

Netanyahu sees government as central in his life

"The man sees the government as a central thing in his life. He does not want to finish his job even if he understands that the country is collapsing from these processes that no longer have a purpose," concluded Brik. "If he says he is pausing the war to restore the country and the army and will return when they are strong, [Finance Minister Bezalel] Smotrich and [National Security Minister Itamar] Ben-Gvir will tell him that they will dismantle his government. Dismantling the government is more important to him than dismantling the country."

Brik served as commander of the IDF military colleges, commander of the Armored Corps, and Commissioner of Soldiers’ Complaints in the Defense Ministry.