gender equality in israel

WIZO in Strasbourg, 2009

WIZO’s annual gender wage gap report shows fair salary gender equality in workforce

WIZO’s 2023 wage gap report shows balanced pay and gender equality, reflecting their commitment to promoting women's rights in Israel, with 84% female workforce.

Should Women Wait Until 2061 For Equality? Not An Option

To accelerate gender equality in the world of innovation, active action on several levels is needed, and now is not the time.


Helping women return to the job market during the war

The war exacerbates the existing gender inequalities. Reconstruction of employment conditions is required to fill the inconceivable gap for women and professionals.


High-status connections are good for men, not so great for women

One bright side was that women who explicitly showed that they were forming high-status ties for the sake of the group were spared the social backlash.

There is a lack of women in Israeli ministry leadership

This trend of removing the few women in the senior public ranks is compounded by the fact that the 37th government removed all female directors-general serving in government ministries.

A protester holding an "Abuse isn't Love" sign at a protest against violence against women in Tel Av

War times impact survivors of domestic abuse emotionally and financially

The research showed that the personal trauma, compounded with the collective trauma of the war, created a situation of overload and an accumulation of stressors and difficulties.

Hanukkah 2023: Eight wishes to hope for amid ongoing darkness

In the spirit of candle lighting and making wishes, here are eight dreams I pray can come true this holiday season.

Israel must heed A-G on gender segregation, interior minister says

The letter approached a societal issue in Israel brought to the public eye on Yom Kippur in Tel Aviv.

Netanyahu blames 'left-wing extremists' for Yom Kippur clashes in Tel Aviv

The demonstrators were claiming that the services' gender segregation was inappropriate as such segregation is technically banned in public spaces. 

Fights break out over gender segregated Yom Kippur prayers

The conflict broke out after some of those praying tried to set up partitions in the square to create gender segregation.

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