Iran Hamas

Iran’s FM in Geneva for UN, ICRC meetings

Iran, which backs Hamas and supported the October 7 massacre in Israel by Hamas, now says that it wants to see political efforts to end the “Gaza crisis.”

What is Iran's strategy against Israel amid FM's Middle East trips?

It is clear that Iran, the main backer of Hezbollah and Hamas, is seeking to keep both terrorist groups in play against Israel.

A man carries a giant flag made of flags of Iran, Palestine, Syria and Hezbollah, during a ceremony

Iran's Foreign Min. touts '100 days of Zionist failure' amid Hamas war

Iranian diplomat Nasser Kanaani posted that Israel is in imminent danger of collapse and commented that "the future belongs to Palestine."


IDF finds evidence of Iran training Hamas in precision rockets

These various weapons systems were found only after traversing 100 meters of tunnel space in an area that itself had been identified by Israeli intelligence as requiring deeper investigation.

New Year, new strategy: How will Iran shift threats to Israel? - analysis

Iran is bringing together militias and proxies across the Middle East to attack Israel.

Why is Hamas worried about the October 7 narrative of Iran, Hezbollah? - analysis

Hezbollah, PIJ, and other groups coordinate with Hamas and Iran. It would seem unbelievable that only regarding October 7, there was no prior discussion about such an attack with Iran and its proxies

Iran’s FM slams Ukraine in Doha

Iranian foreign minister says Hamas or Hezbollah could obtain weapons via ‘black markets’ in places like Ukraine. Iran backs Russia with drones used against Ukraine.

Deciphering Iran's rhetoric during the Gaza ceasefire

Iran has appeared to shift gears during the ceasefire pause in fighting in Gaza. From the Iranian regime's standpoint, it believes it has achieved a lot.

The challenge for Israel: Prevail against Hamas while preventing an Iranian nuclear breakout

Iran's Supreme Leader likely wants to exploit the world's focus on Gaza to finally build a nuclear warhead. Israel must not allow him to.

Iranians protest civilian Gaza deaths, Guards chief sees 'war of attrition'

State television showed some protesters carrying bundled white shrouds symbolizing the children killed in Gaza, during the nationwide marches, held ahead of World Children's Day on Monday.

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