
Thousands of launches per day: What does Hezbollah's arsenal look like today?

Reports indicate that in the case of open war, Hezbollah is expected to deploy mortar shells, anti-tank missiles, drones, and UAVs against IDF ground operations.

 IDF troops operate in the Gaza Strip. June 11, 2024.

Israel-Hamas War Day 249: What's happening in Gaza, Middle East?

Gallant voted against the draft law • Terrorists eliminated in West Bank

Israel-Saudi normalization on the table as part of new US defense treaty - WSJ

As a preliminary component of the deal, Israel would have to agree to a complete ceasefire and Palestinian statehood.

A day after possibility: Will the IDF dislodge Hamas from Gaza? - opinion

Hamas may reconcile themselves to losing the governance of Gaza but probably envisage basing themselves elsewhere and continuing the fight from there.

How Iranian weapons are smuggled to the Houthis

According to the report, ships enter Houthi-controlled ports in Yemen without inspection.

 A war between Israel and Iran (illustrative)

Dangerous times: Biden makes allowances for Iran while scolding Israel

President Biden prefers to let the Iranian bomb program advance but not the IDF.

 Israeli soldiers gesture from a military truck as it maneuvers near Gaza border, June 10, 2024

Israel-Hamas War Day 248: What's happening in Gaza, Middle East?

Rocket sirens sound overnight • Netanyahu to meet with Blinken

Iran must be brought to justice for the AMIA bombing

While Israel is actively engaged in holding the October 7 perpetrators accountable, Argentina’s Jewish community and all of society are waiting for answers.


Israel can fight Hamas anytime. They can only save hostages now

As we view the world in which we find ourselves today, this war has to be won; not only for the Israelis but for Jews everywhere, facing an unprecedented rise in antisemitism. 

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