
Oil rich Arab Islamic nation with millenia of history, still struggling for stebillity following 2003 overthrown of dictator Sadam Hussein.

Iraq exhibits ancient artifacts returned by US and other countries

Iraqi authorities have been trying to retrieve thousands of archaeological relics missing since the US invasion in 2003.


New agreement will see Turkmenistan and Iran to supply gas to Iraq through Iranian pipeline

The new 77-mile pipeline, which will be constructed by Iranian companies, will allow Turkmenistan to ship an additional 10 million cubic meters of gas into Iraq through Iran.


My Word: Wars, elections, and a homecoming celebration

Every war, terror attack, and antisemitic act strengthens Jewish identity and brings more Jews back to the Jewish homeland. You can’t beat the irony.

‘Iraqi militias will be more involved in the regional conflict in upcoming months,’ experts say

Iraqi militias have been growing exponentially and currently pose the biggest threat to Iraq’s stability since they call the shots, and the Iraqi prime minister seems to serve at their pleasure.

KURDISH PROTESTERS carry flags and a banner with a portrait of jailed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK)

Iraq claims it has arrested PKK-linked cell suspected of planning attacks

Iraqi official said the arrested suspects had also planned to attack busy market areas in the capital, Baghdad, if there was "pressure from the federal government or government forces against them."


Iran uses proxy militias in Iraq to pressure the US - analysis

Iran is prodding militias to increase threats to the US in Iraq in order to see if the US will pressure Israel not to strike harder at Hezbollah.

Biden's mistake in attempting to prevent Hezbollah escalations

The Biden administration still thinks the best path for de-escalation is dealing with the Lebanese government as the mediator.

 IDF soldiers seen operating in the Gaza Strip, June 25, 2024

Israel-Hamas War Day 263: What is happening in Gaza, Lebanon border?

US warns that they won't back Israel in war against Hezbollah • Incidents of IDF misconduct in the Gaza Strip prompt investigation

Hamas refutes claim leadership plans to relocate from Qatar to Iraq

The Iraqi government approved the move last month, while Iran will allegedly assume responsibility for protecting Hamas’s leaders, offices, and personnel in Baghdad, the report said.

Why US terror designation for Iraqi-based terror group matters

Harakat Ansar Allah al-Awfiya is one of many Iranian-backed groups in Iraq that threaten the region.

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