making aliyah

'Law & Order' actress Diane Neal talks moving to Israel, future plans

Diane Neal opened up about the reason behind her life-changing move, her future plans, and her takes on Israel’s political situation.

Nefesh B’Nefesh head to discuss challenges of aliyah

Participants in the panel, entitled “Decades of Aliyah – Challenges & Opportunities,” will also include Laura Ben-David, who made aliyah with the first Nefesh B’Nefesh charter flight in 2002.

Wilf to discuss Diaspora’s bond to Israel

Wilf will discuss the range of Jewish Agency programs around the world that maintain the Jewish future and provide the global framework for aliyah.

Landscapes of his life

Victor Rabinovich has never regretted moving to Israel, although his landscapes have changed completely.


This Irish immigrant to Israel has lived a life of courage and devotion

In Dublin almost a century ago, Copperman’s father had a dream. In the future, his family left their place of birth, fulfilled this longing, and created a family in Israel.


Moving to Israel too easy for this woman - she made aliyah twice

Risa Goldstein Shapiro moved to Israel twice. Now she looks forward to seeing the next generation grow up in Israel.

Making aliyah: Can you find success, work-life balance in Israel?

At an event in New Jersey for medical professionals considering aliyah, Dr. Elissa Freedman presents a realistic take on life for women in Israel.


Israeli Remembrance Day: Olim feel sense of mission and passion - opinion

As we approach our Remembrance Day for Israel’s Fallen and 75th Independence Day, the emotional journey of those two days represents our wider feelings during the entire year.

Days before Israel's 75th, a 98-year-old Australian Jewish woman makes aliyah

"I've been a Zionist all my life," Ruth Tarlo said, as she made history making aliyah at 98 years old. 


551 Holocaust survivors made aliyah in 2022; 52,513 made aliyah in total

The high number of Holocaust survivors who made aliyah to Israel in 2022 is mainly due to the war in Ukraine.

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