
‘We must establish a recovery administration for the North’

Michal Cohen, Rashi Foundation CEO, details how the philanthropic sector is filling the void left by the state in caring for Israel’s northern communities.


Government must do more to protect reservists' businesses

In October, thousands of independent business owners had to leave their livelihoods behind and join the reserves.

Defense Ministry reveals extent of damage to Israel's North

The N12 claim comes after the Defense Ministry released a report detailing the damage sustained in the northern localities following Hezbollah’s fire. 

Government approves relief plan for evacuees as north burns from Hezbollah rockets

Hezbollah attacks continued against northern Israel on Monday, sparking several wildfires and damaging several buildings.


Israeli public wants elections, KAN poll shows

The poll also revealed that a near majority of the public supports a ground operation against Hezbollah in the North.

Four soldiers wounded from Lebanese anti-tank missiles

Four soldiers were rushed to the hospital for treatment for wounds caused by missile fire from Lebanon.

Northern leaders say they'll 'disengage' from Israel on Independence Day

Residents of northern Israel are planning mass protests for next week as they remain displaced from their home seven months after being evacuated.


End factory noise: Peace for town residents

Putting an end to the noise from the factory: Machines are seized by the Land Enforcement Authority for prohibited use, posing an environmental hazard to nearby settlement residents.

City in decline: No buyers for Kiryat Shmona apartments, in existential peril

Despite signs of recovery in other war-torn cities, Kiryat Shmona remains deserted, with a staggering 95% drop in real estate transactions. Is it worth considering an investment? We investigate.

IDF and Hezbollah trade fire in the north, one soldier lightly wounded

The IDF said it struck terrorist infrastructure used by Hezbollah in Srebbine, as well as in Markaba on Saturday night.

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