South Africa’s genocide charges against Israel: Cynical abuse of the ICJ

The terms used in South Africa's application to the ICJ are ironic, especially in light of its distorted interpretation of the Genocide Convention.


Operation Peace for Galilee: Israel's 1982 military action in Lebanon

Remembering a time as a war correspondent in Lebanon while the country returns to daily headlines for attacking Israel.

Israel-Hamas War: Making peace based on past experience

The rich experiences and detailed plans of predecessors can guide both the Israeli and the Palestinian people to a workable plan for the peaceful resolution of our conflict.


Palestinians must find new path from Israeli rule after war, PA official says

Despite US efforts, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Friday that he would not allow the Palestinian Authority to run Gaza after the war.


Nazi symbols resurface in Huwara for second time in 10 days

Yossi Dagan, head of the Samaria Regional Council, expressed profound dismay at the swastikas in Huwara.

Jewish people have always desired peace with all their neighbors - opinion

Thousands of Israelis died because the risk of the Oslo Peace Accords didn’t pan out, and its failure unleashed waves of terror Israelis are still falling victims to until today.


Oslo is dead: A Palestinian state will never exist - opinion

Thirty years on, we can say with confidence that Oslo and everything that it stood for is dead. Rather than trying to revive it, we would do well to offer it a fitting eulogy.

Israel will 'pay the price for settler crimes,’ Palestinians vow

The PA, Hamas and other Palestinian parties strongly condemned the attack on Turmus Ayya and said Israel would pay the price.

Bill proposal removing 'terror-supporting' students from Israeli universities postponed

A-G Baharav-Miara warned that the bill would curb freedom of speech and could face "constitutional difficulties."

The Nakba and genocidal wars against Israel - opinion

The Holocaust is over, but the legacy of those who perpetrated and promoted it thrives among many today who seek to destroy Israel.

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