
Hamas and the Janjawid in Darfur are both genocidal in nature - opinion

One of the many victims of the October 7 massacre in Israel was Adam Barima, a Darfurian refugee who escaped Sudan and reached Israel about 15 years ago.


Palestinian UN exhibit of Gaza suffering uses photo of Israeli kid killed by Hamas

The Israeli delegation to Geneva immediately called for the exhibit to be taken down.

The city of Sderot on the eve of the Israel-Hamas ceasefire - analysis

I went down to Sderot on the eve of the ceasefire to conduct interviews with an IDF unit.

Israel Police officer rushed to Sderot on Oct. 7 as Hamas shot her leg

Israel Police officer Sapir Cohen defies Hamas terrorists' gunfire as she rushed to aid Sderot on October 7. Suffering a leg wound, she was saved by brave colleagues.


Sderot families fleeing Hamas find pop-up school at Jerusalem hotel

Within a span of 24 hours, Tzahi Lev-Ran set up a school for children from Sderot in Jerusalem’s Leonardo Hotel.

KKL-JNF is fostering Israel’s resilience. This is how you can help

Discover all the initiatives Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael-Jewish National Fund is spearheading to help Israelis in need and soldiers.

‘We need to open our hearts’

Brown Hotels founder and co-owner speaks out about hosting evacuees in wartime.

The residents of Sderot need help. This is how KKL-JNF is providing it

KKL-JNF has been supporting the Sderot Resilience Complex for years. Now its services are more crucial than ever.

Hadassah doctors save Sderot resident's eyesight

Shimon and his family relocate to a Dead Sea hotel after a rocket strike in Sderot. Hadassah doctors perform crucial eye tests, saving his eyes.

Sderot man treated for pulmonary embolism from long stay in safe room

Hadassah cardiologists saved a man from Sderot after the first documented case of pulmonary embolism from sitting in a safe room for too long, moving in cramped spaces recommended

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