Habima National Theater staff go on strike

Habima National Theater staff went on strike Tuesday, after they did not receive their salaries for the month of August, or any extra payments that they were due this year.
The theater's Staff Committee chairman Eitan Sevilia told Israel Radio that 400 stage staff, managers and actors are yet to receive their wages for August. The strike will already lead to the cancellation of six plays Tuesday evening, he added. 
Sevilia stated that staff would not return to regular work until the Culture and Sport Ministry promises to resolve the theater's cash flow problems and to prevent ongoing delays in paying salaries.
Chairperson of the Actors Committee Gila Almagor said that the strike began without coordination with the actors, and that there would be a conclusive meeting Tuesday afternoon with managerial representatives and the Director of Culture. However, Almagor said that the actors would not break the strike.