Meretz: Time to correct historical damage done by Barak

Meretz Chairman Zahava Gal-On said on Monday there is a certain symbolism that Ehud Barak resigned in the same week that PA President Mahmoud Abbas is to present the United Nations with his plan to upgrade the status of Palestine.
Following Ehud Barak's resignation from politics, Gal-On said: "It is ironic that the man who invented the spin 'no partner'...resigns the very week that same partner reaches out a peaceful hand to Israel and asks it to recognize it as a country."
Gal-On added that Barak played a "dual role" in the political system, saying that he was praised as a defender of extremism but often ended up being the leader of such measures.
The Meretz chairman stated that now Barak has left the political arena, it is our chance to "correct the historical damage" that he caused.