Mofaz calls on US to cut military aid to Egypt

Chairman of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee Shaul Mofaz on Wednesday called on the US to halt military aid to Egypt.
Addressing the 11th annual Herzliya Conference, Mofaz issued a call to the United States "to immediately stop all military aid to Egypt and to the other states in the area and to convert it, without conditions, to civilian aid."
Saying that "time is not on our side" in regards to the Palestinian conflict, he said that a peace deal would act as a "stabilizing anchor" in the area, helping to slow the "Iranian impact expanding to our area." Emphasizing the urgency of reaching a settlement with the Palestinian Authority, Mofaz added, "Israel cannot act as an ostrich burying its head in the sand," adding that "it cannot continue to rule over a conquered people for an extended period of time."