United Torah Judaism chair slams Trachtenberg report

Chairman of the United Torah Judaism faction MK Yisrael Eichler harshly criticized the Trachtenberg report on Tuesday, particularly its recommendations regarding the integration of haredim into the Labor market and education in haredi schools. 
“Any proposal that benefits the general public without discrimination on an ethnic or class basis is welcome and will receive our support in the Knesset,” Eichler said in a statement to The Jerusalem Post, “but proposals which try to harm a particular sector and which are discriminatory will be completely rejected.”


“The State is doing a great injustice to haredi job seekers by not recognizing religious education while [certain] academic degrees are irrelevant to employment,” he said. “A person who wants to be a doctor, should go to medical school and an electrician needs to study electrical engineering. But degrees in the humanities are not more relevant than religious education.”