UK Labour leader Starmer says wants to recognize Palestinian state as part of peace process

Britain's opposition leader Keir Starmer said on Friday he wanted to recognize a Palestinian state if he won power in an upcoming general election, but said that such a move would need to come at the right time in a peace process.

Starmer has faced criticism for some traditional Labour voters for only gradually shifting the party's position towards supporting a ceasefire in Gaza.

The party's stance led to 10 senior party lawmakers quitting their policy roles and was blamed for a handful of disappointing results in this month's local elections in some areas with large Muslim populations.

Asked if he thought Palestine should be a state, Starmer told the BBC: "Yes, I do, and I think recognition of Palestine is extremely important. We need a viable Palestinian state alongside a safe and secure Israel, and recognition has to be part of that."

Starmer said recognition of a Palestinian state would need to come at the right time in a peace process, but "I absolutely believe in it," arguing a two-state solution was essential for lasting peace in the region.