Barak: 'I stand here to continue on the path of Rabin'

Defense Minister Ehud Barak commemorated the 15th anniversary of the assassination of former prime minister Yitzhak Rabin at a special Knesset session on Wednesday, calling him a man of war and peace.
"Rabin was a man of war and violence, as well as a man of hope and peace. There is no confilct between the two," said Barak.
The Labor Party leader also sought to claim the mantle of the fallen former Labor prime minister. "I stand here in front of the house as one of those who continues on the path of Rabin."
"Peace is made, not just spoken as words or as a prayer," Barak stated. "Two people, two states is the one true path of Zionism today. There is no contradiction between the state's security and a Jewish, democratic state."
Barak emphasized that he wished to ensure Israel remained a "Zionist, Jewish and (most of all) democratic state and that Jews around the world will be proud to belong to her."