Barenboim ‘shocked’ by ‘inhuman attack’

World renowned Israeli-born conductor and pianist Daniel Barenboim overnight Tuesday slammed the Israeli navy’s raid of the Mavi Marmara boat, calling it an “inhuman attack by the Israeli military on an international convoy with humanitarian aims.”
In a statement published on behalf of the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra, which defines itself as a “non-political organization made up of members from Israel, Palestine, other Arab countries and Spain,” Barenboim, the orchestra's conductor, and Mariam Said, Edward Said’s widow, said that the takeover of the ship contradicted “all that the orchestra stands for, namely the development of an understanding between the Israeli and Palestinian peoples which must be based on justice and mutual respect.
“The orchestra unequivocally calls for ending the blockade of humanitarian aid to Gaza and distances itself from this and similar actions by the Israeli government.”
In an e-mail circulated Tuesday by the orchestra’s management to its musicians, Barenboim and Said added that they were “shocked by the cruelty and inadequacy of yesterday’s events.”