Officers from the Border Police's central district were amazed last week when they discovered what they described as "the largest" and one of the most advanced hydro marijuana farms yet during a raid in the village of Kfar Kassem.Detectives from the Almog Unit raided the premises on Thursday, and found a cannabis growing site "the size of which has not been seen to date," police said on Sunday."This was an advanced lab with air ventilation pipes, filters, powerful air conditioning, incubators for saplings, special lighting, and silver aluminum foil on the walls for light reflection," police added.Two suspects aged 30 from the village were arrested during the raid.When asked to explain why fabric softener bottles were on the site, one of the suspects told investigators that he would pour the softener on the floor to "hide the potent smell of the cannabis plants." Five hundred plants were seized in the operation.
Finance Minister Smotrich meets Histadrut Chairman Bar-David