Herzliya train station re-opens after day of inactivity

The Herzliya train station opened on Tuesday evening following a day of inactivity due to extreme weather conditions, but there were still major changes in train activity.
Trains from the country's North were beginning and ending at Tel Aviv Savidor-Merkaz, while trains from Yavne West and Ashkelon were beginning and ending at Tel Aviv Hahagana, Israel Railways said.
Trains from Hod Hasharon-Sokolov were now beginning and ending at Tel Aviv Savidor-Merkaz – an improvement from Bnei Barak earlier that day – and trains from Jerusalem, Rishonim and Beersheba were beginning and ending at Lod. Train service from Modi'in to Tel Aviv was cancelled.
Meanwhile, Israel Railways opened an alternative train route operating from Rehovot to Lod to Tel Aviv University to Tel Aviv Savidor-Merkaz, the company said. All trains on this route were departing from Tel Aviv Savidor-Merkaz every 20 minutes and from Rehovot every 13 minutes, with a trip duration of 55 minutes, the company said.