Tzvi Binstein, the 78-year-old man who issued calls to harm former Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu on various social media platforms, has been officially sentenced to 4 months in prison by the Haifa Shalom Court.
The conviction was based on his confession that he is guilty of inciting violence. The confession was made as part of a plea agreement, according to Walla.
The court noted that "the accused did not transgress with one single post; rather, with seven posts over a significant period of time. The content of the posts was blunt, firm and direct. It included encouragement of the public to commit severe acts of violence against the prime minister at the time, as well as his family members."
Timeline of events past and future
Binstein published the posts over the course of several months, between July 2020 and January 2021.
The 78-year-old's sentence will be converted into community service on probation, according to Ynet.