Israel News

Israel news features every important moment from the Jewish State involving politics, celebrities, and innovation. This is the hard hitting, fast paced news that represents the Jewish nation in an un bias frame so that truth about Israel is represented in the media. There is no other substitute for the best Israel news on the web...

Dan Hotels sponsors Israeli Paralympics delegation, hosts honorary event at President's residence

Dan Hotels sponsors Israeli Paralympic team for Paris 2024, continuing a partnership since Beijing 2008, hosting pre-Games gathering in Tel Aviv with lectures and equipment distribution.

Israel's Supreme Court against using terrorist Walid Daqqah's body as hostage deal bargaining chip

Israel's Supreme Court defied the state's stance on retaining Walid Daqqah's body, citing humanitarian and legal concerns despite security justifications presented.


Due to reduced need, El Al ends Oct. 7 discount on donation baggage, quadrupling price

El Al is ending its discount program for donation baggage due to decreased need and resumed cargo transport options. Charities must now pay $200 per bag.

 Rescued hostage Andrey Kozlov reunites with his parents on June 9, 2024

Rescued hostage Andrey Kozlov urges public to join 'Bring them home' rally in Tel Aviv

Kolzov's encouraging message marks his first public speaking appearance since his release from Hamas captivity.

US sanctions right-wing Tzav 9 group for blocking humanitarian aid to Gaza

The Biden administration sanctioned Israeli group Tzav 9 for obstructing aid convoys to Gaza, citing actions undermining peace efforts and humanitarian aid distribution.


Grapevine, June 14, 2024: Shuttle diplomacy

Movers and shakers in Israeli society.

Grapevine: Civil discussion

Movers and shakers in Israeli society

'Absolutely overwhelming': Dr. Phil visits site of Nova music festival massacre

"Walking amongst the images of the people that were killed or taken hostage here. It was absolutely overwhelming," Dr. Phil wrote.

Israeli director Tom Nesher’s film wins top prize at Tribeca Festival

"This film pulled us all in from the first few frames, and we felt that we were in skillful hands. It was fiercely executed and superbly performed," the jury said.

Liberman's Yisrael Beytenu reaches 15-year peak after Gantz withdraws from gov't

The party’s rise in the poll comes amid MK Benny Gantz’s withdrawal from the coalition, the escalation of tensions in the North, the hostage rescue operation in the Gaza Strip, and draft law.

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