
 Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan looks on as he delivers statements, in Budapest, Hungary

Erdogan says Turkey ready to cooperate with Egypt on Gaza

Sisi greeted Erdogan as he emerged from his plane in Cairo with his wife, and they conversed as they walked along a red carpet amid fanfare, live television footage showed.

Israeli flags.

Turkish factory refuses to produce Israel, IDF flags amid tensions between countries

Approximately three weeks prior, the Turkish government had removed Israel from its list of export destination countries effectively withdrawing support for businesses engaged in trade with Israel.

Thousands gather in Antakya to mark one-year anniversary of devastating earthquakes

With candles in hand and tears in their eyes, more than 10,000 mourners convened in public squares, reflecting on the tragedy that claimed over 50,000 lives in Turkey and nearly 6,000 in Syria.


Turkey arrests seven accused of selling information to Israel's Mossad

Turkey has previously warned Israel of "serious consequences" if it tries to hunt down members of Hamas living outside Palestinian territories, including in Turkey.


Rabbi: Turkey supports Hamas's murderous campaign, don't buy their fruit

"I would call upon all Jews, in Israel and around the world, to completely refrain from purchase of Turkish produce," Rabbi David Stav said.

Turkey's Erdogan to take economic measures against Israel over Hamas war

Sanctions include the removal of Israel from Turkey's list of export destinations.

Israel mustn't remain silent in face of Turkey's support of Hamas

Israel can no longer remain silent in the face of Turkey’s extensive support of Hamas and its central role in building the organization’s financial empire. 

 TURKISH PRESIDENT Recep Tayyip Erdogan speaks in Istanbul, this week.

Erdogan reverts to old, inflammatory self - opinion

By October 25, Erdogan was praising Hamas as “liberators” and condemning what he described as “the Israeli regime’s unlawful and unrestrained attacks against civilians.”  

Turkey to reinforce military bases in northern Iraq after 12 soldiers killed

Turkish forces regularly carry out strikes in neighboring Iraq as part of the country's offensive against PKK militants.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Benjamin Netanyahu 'no different than Hitler,' Turkey's Erdogan claims

Netanyahu responded to Erdogan, saying the Turkish leader is "carrying out a genocide of Kurds and holds a world record in imprisoning journalists who oppose him."

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