french jews aliyah

Isaac Herzog poses with French immigrants as they disembark from their aliya flight.

Are French Jews making aliyah because of antisemitism or Zionism?

French Jews are very Zionist and have strong connections to Israel, said Sion, and many have wanted to move to Israel and come to help build up the state for a long time.

France sees 430% increase in opening of immigration files since Hamas massacre

Altogether, Aliyah files have been opened for about 1,200 people since October 7th, compared to about 220 in the corresponding period last year.

Despite boycotts, Smotrich meets Jewish organizations in France

During the meeting, the participants raised issues such as the state of aliyah to Israel and difficulties that professionals in the medical fields from France encounter when trying to immigrate.


Israeli aliyah panel head slams minister's push to favor US, French olim

Yisrael Beytenu MK Oded Forer on prioritizing immigrants to Israel from France and the US: "Such discrimination by origin has never been done."

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