
Gallant, Gantz outraged as gov't promotes controversial Haredi conscription law

Within two weeks, the government's request to apply the rule of continuity to the draft bill will be placed before the Knesset for a vote.


Haredi education system doesn't prepare students for workforce

The study examined the quality of the haredi school system for boys, and found indications that this education system was not as effective as the non-ultra-Orthodox system in preparing students.


Defense Ministry-commissioned team draws up report on increasing haredi draft

The Israel-Hamas war led to a jump in ultra-Orthodox recruits to the IDF, with 250 enlisting in combat units such as in the Paratrooper, Givati, and Netzah Yehuda infantry brigades.


Yesh Atid MK: Haredi IDF service can only expand once haredim are out of government

According to Tur-Paz, most haredim believe that Torah study safeguards Israel to the same degree as military service, and are unwilling to join the IDF.

Full IDF draft of haredi men would obviate reserve duty by 2045, IDI research shows

The defense ministry announced in February that at the current rate of enlistment, it will need to lengthen IDF service for mandatory soldiers from 32 to 36 months.

What is to be expected as the Knesset begins its summer session?

The top item soon to be on the Knesset's agenda during the summer session is the haredi conscription law, which the government pledges in a filing to the High Court of Justice.

Illiterate technophobes or violent mafias: Alternative narratives of haredim

Netanyahu's response to Oct. 7 was impulsive, not that of a measured, rational leader, the author argues.


The ex-haredi journalist who spent a year researching Mea She'arim

'We have to look at each other and be able to recognize that we’re ein mishpocha, we’re one family,' Tenenbom says.


Gov't, attorney general clash over haredi IDF enlistment

Gov't continuing judicial reform by disregarding binding legal opinion, attorney general says

'Careful, Beauties Ahead!': A man's look at the haredi world he loved and betrayed

Wearing his trademark suspenders and red eyeglasses, the avuncular journalist planted himself for several months in Mea She’arim, the quintessentially haredi Jerusalem neighborhood.

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