
Nicotine-like chemicals in US vapes may be more potent than nicotine, FDA says

6-methyl nicotine in vapes, potentially more addictive than traditional nicotine, is unregulated by the FDA, prompting concerns and calls for regulation due to unknown health risks.


Does this paint kill viruses and bacteria?

Nirlat, in collaboration with Nanosono, developed AquaNir Active Shield, an acrylic paint that destroys up to 99.99% of bacteria and viruses.


From the ashes of October 7, Nirlat and NANOSONO create paint that prevents disease

The innovative paint is already being used in multiple departments at Hillel Yaffe Medical center, where they plan to extend its use to the whole facility.

Cows, cats and now alpacas: Bird flu discovered for first time in 4 Idaho alpacas

The virus the alpacas were infected with was the same strain that has been spreading among dairy cattle in recent months.


Why do we help others? New study reveals part of brain responsible for altruism

According to the new paper, our selflessness and willingness to do good deeds is governed by a specific region in the brain.

AiGAiN: Introducing AI and RF in a personal device

AiGAiN - a groundbreaking device in the medical-cosmetic field. The device for skin firming and wrinkle reduction holds a registered patent and provides a personalized and unique treatment.


Choosing an air purification system: A guide to breathing easy

Understanding the types of air purification systems, their effectiveness, and the importance of pre-purchase research and monitoring air quality.


Soroka Medical Center: Israel’s ‘Iron Dome’ of health

As of today, Soroka has treated over 3,000 casualties arising from Oct. 7,. 2,100 of whom are wounded soldiers.

The terrifying reason you might want to reconsider eating ultra-processed food

Researchers found that a 10% increase in the amount of ultra-processed foods eaten was associated with a 16% higher risk of cognitive impairment.

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