
Will France change course and end its opposition to Judaism?

Once more, France has been quick to pledge its collaboration with the International Criminal Court (ICC)’s plans to issue arrest warrants against Jews.


Conservative student group at UK university apologizes for singing, dancing to Nazi song

Students were filmed singing and dancing to 'Erika,' a song composed in 1938 by Herms Niel - a Nazi Sturmabteilung trooper leader.

Guardians of the Holocaust’s legacy

The New Moshal Shoah Legacy Campus and the David and Fela Shapell Family Collection Center to open at Yad Vashem


Auschwitz display of 3,000 murdered children's shoes returns after undergoing preservation process

The shoes underwent a preservation process that took over a year of work at the Auschwitz Museum Conservation Laboratories.

My 20-minute conversation with a man who flew a swastika flag

I’ve heard antisemitism and all the usual slanderous accusations of Israel’s treatment of Palestinians before Ahmed repeated them one by one as if reading off a list of Palestinian talking points.

Silence in the face of global antisemitism isn't an option anymore

Communities need to realize that antisemitic attacks, while seemingly catalyzed by Israel’s war against Hamas, have relatively little to do with Jews or Israel.

Jewish D-Day veteran buried in a Nazi mass grave to receive a proper burial

The group had never before uncovered a Jewish American who had been buried with the very Nazis he was fighting.


German grandson of Nazis comes to Israel during war to enlist in IDF

In January, Edgar came to Israel, where he began volunteering and assisting soldiers on various bases. During his visit, he decided that he wanted to enlist in the IDF.

The silent shelves speak volumes: Chachmei Lublin’s lost library

When the Nazis took over the city a few weeks after the outbreak of World War II, in September 1939, this priceless treasure trove of Jewish knowledge fell into German hands.

'Final Verdict': Charting post-WWII German criminal law

Buck explains how Germany has come to terms with its guilt and responsibility, and how the Holocaust has assumed a centrality in the national consciousness.

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